Nuno Brandão Costa was born on the 17th of February of 1970 in Porto.

Graduated from FAUP in 1994, where he teaches as an assistant for Project 4 subject, since 1999, and got

his PhD Degree in 2013.

Between 1992 and 1997 worked in Basel, Switzerland, at Herzog & de Meuron, and later in Porto, Portugal,

with José Fernando Gonçalves & Paulo Providência.

Starts his own offce in Porto in 1998, after being 1st prize awarded with the project for the Central Library

of College of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and 2nd prize for the

Portuguese Embassy in Berlin.

Wins "Prémio Revelação e Mérito" in November 2004, assigned by "Jornal Expresso/SIC - 12 anos".

Nominated for Mies Van der Rohe Award in 2008, with the project for Quinta de Bouçós.

Wins Prémio Secil 2008 with Administrative Building and Show-room Móveis Viriato.

Nominated for BSI Award - Swiss Architectural Award in 2012.

Wins Vale da Gândara award 2010/2011.

Invited teacher in Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura da Universidad de Navarra during 2009/2010,

2010/2011 and 2012/2013.

Invited teacher in EHL CAMPUS, in Lausanne, during 2013.